2081 Toth Road, Shelter Cove, CA 93528

Land For Sale
Published 4 one year ago

2081 Toth Road Property Description

This lot has spectacular views. It is located at the top of a ridge and it is about 3 miles from the ocean. It has paved road access and is 12,632 square feet. It offers great views of the surrounding natural beauty

2081 Toth Road Property Details

Property type: Land
Lot Size: 12632
Off MLS: yes
Tax Value: $312
APN: 110-201-022-000

2081 Toth Road Location

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Nearby Schools

  • School Name
    Whitethorn Elementary School
    16851 Briceland-Thorn Road, Whitethorn, CA 95589
    5.8 mi
Property published by
Irina Gevo
Contact Seller

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