Unnamed Rd, Sanders, AZ 86512

Land Sold

Unnamed Rd Property Description

Owner Finance Options
3 years (6.9%) - monthly payment $63.20
5 years (6.9%) - monthly payment $40.50
Owner Finance Terms
– NO Credit Check, everyone can buy it
– No Pre-Payment Penalties (can be paid off at any time)
– $1.99 monthly processing fee added to all monthly bills.

Unnamed Rd Property Details

Property type: Land
Off MLS: yes
APN: 49658

Unnamed Rd Location

Click on the map and use the "+" and "-" buttons to zoom in or zoom out

Nearby Schools

  • School Name
    Sanders Middle School
    Apache 7160, Sanders, AZ 86512
    0.7 mi

    Sanders Elementary School
    I-40 And Hwy. 191 S, Sanders, AZ 86512
    0.8 mi

    Native - Sanders Valley High School
    I-40 & Us 191, Sanders, AZ 86512
    0.9 mi

    Valley High School
    I 40 And Us 191, Sanders, AZ 86512
    1.1 mi
Property published by
Irina Gevo
Contact Seller

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