Lloyd Rd, San Luis, CO 81152

Land For Sale
Published 5 one year ago

Lloyd Rd Property Description

Zoning: Estate Residential (ER)
For a site built home, you need a 600 sq.ft minimum footprint.
Mobile homes are Allowed.
You can camp for 14 days (every 3 months)
Temporary RV Occupancy permit available ($250 fee - good for 90 days at a time while building, renewable).
Zoning office is open Monday through Thursday and can be contacted to answer any questions.
ACCESS: Yes, Lloyd Rd
ELECTRIC: Would have to be ran or solar
WATER: Would have to be well or cistern
SEWER: Would have to install a septic
Cities and towns:Fort Garland, CO - 2 miles,
Blanca, CO - 4 miles,
Alamosa, CO - 4.5 miles,
Colorado Spring, CO - 100 miles,
Phoenix, AZ - 450 miles
GPS Coordinates presented here are based upon the best date we have accumulated, but are not exact. The information is for the purpose of locating your property only. Prior to building a fence or any structure on your land, you should contact a Colorado licensed surveyor to mark the exact corners of your property.

Lloyd Rd Property Details

Property type: Land
Lot Size: 217800
Off MLS: yes
Tax Value: $48
APN: 71549650

Lloyd Rd Location

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Nearby Schools

  • School Name
    Conejos-Costilla Head Start
    305 Vega Street, San Luis, CO 81152
    0.2 mi

    Pagosa Springs Head Start
    8th Street, San Luis, CO 81152
    0.2 mi

    Centennial Pre-School
    303 Vega Street, San Luis, CO 81152
    0.3 mi

    Centennial Day Care
    904 Main, San Luis, CO 81152
    0.3 mi

    Centennial High School
    909 Main Street, San Luis, CO 81152
    0.3 mi
Property published by
Irina Gevo
Contact Seller

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