n/a, Dallas, TX 75241

Multy-family For Sale
3 bd 1.5 ba 1392 sqft
Published one year ago

n/a Property Description

Excellent off-market investment property in Dallas. Close proximity to UNT Dallas & serval other amenities. Average days on market (21) with best finish outs closing in (17) days. Average rent rate $1,550. Closes December 13th 2022.

n/a Property Details

Property type: Multy-family
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1.5
Square Feet: 1392
Lot Size: 7357
Year Built: 1973
Need repair: yes
Off MLS: yes
Estimated Cost of Repairs: $30,000
ARV: $225,000

n/a Location

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Property published by
Ani Castro
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