3808 Herschel Ave, Dallas, TX 75219

Townhouse For Sale
Published 4 one year ago

3808 Herschel Ave Property Description

Incredibly Rare Off-Market duplex in North Oak Lawn. Was recently listed for $750k. Location, Location, Location, dont miss this chance in the heart of Dallas. Each side is a 2/1 and comes with a carport. Rent rates show $2000/side.

3808 Herschel Ave Property Details

Property type: Townhouse
Off MLS: yes

3808 Herschel Ave Location

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    Oaklawn Methodist Child Development Center
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    Mi Escuelita Ps-W Clarendon
    4231 Maple Avenue, Dallas, TX 75219
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Property published by
Kegan Lewless
Contact Seller

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