3235 Pine St, Dallas, TX 75215

Land For Sale
Published 4 one year ago

3235 Pine St Property Description

Off Market Lot in a tremendous upswinging part of Central Dallas! Priced to sell quickly, Will not last long.

3235 Pine St Property Details

Property type: Land
Off MLS: yes

3235 Pine St Location

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Nearby Schools

  • School Name
    Joseph J Rhoads Learning Center
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    0.2 mi

    Science Place Head Start
    1620 1st Avenue, Dallas, TX 75210
    0.3 mi

    Good Street Learning Center
    3126 Hatcher Street, Dallas, TX 75215
    0.4 mi

    Braswell Child Development
    2203 South 2nd Avenue, Dallas, TX 75210
    0.5 mi

    Lincoln Humanities/Communications
    2826 Elsie Faye Heggins Street, Dallas, TX 75215
    0.5 mi
Property published by
Kegan Lewless
Contact Seller

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