539 Donlee Rd, Lancaster, TX 75134

SFR For Sale
Published 4 one year ago

539 Donlee Rd Property Description

SHOCKINGLY CHEAP off market property in Lancaster! Located close to freeways, schools,dinning and shopping. This property would work great for a flip or rental. Irrefutable comps with average days on market (46) with the best finish under contract in 6 days.

539 Donlee Rd Property Details

Property type: SFR
Off MLS: yes

539 Donlee Rd Location

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Nearby Schools

  • School Name
    Pleasant Run Elementary School
    427 West Pleasant Run Road, Lancaster, TX 75146
    0.4 mi

    Brandi's Happy Campers
    1448 Irene Avenue, Lancaster, TX 75134
    0.4 mi

    Berne Academy
    1311 Johns Avenue, Lancaster, TX 75134
    0.4 mi

    Lancaster High School
    200 East Wintergreen Road, Lancaster, TX 75134
    0.5 mi

    Lancaster Middle School
    822 West Pleasant Run Road, Lancaster, TX 75146
    0.5 mi
Property published by
Kegan Lewless
Contact Seller

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