7016 W 127th Pl, Cedar Lake, IN 46303

Land Archived

7016 W 127th Pl Property Description

7016 W 127th Pl is a residence located in Cedar Lake , IN 46303.

7016 W 127th Pl Property Details

Property type: Land
Lot Size: 2500
Off MLS: yes

7016 W 127th Pl Location

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Nearby Schools

  • School Name
    Douglas Macarthur Elementary School
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    0.3 mi

    Train Up A Child Child Care Center
    12208 White Oak Drive, Crown Point, IN 46307
    1.7 mi

    Jane Ball Elementary School
    13313 Parrish Avenue, Cedar Lake, IN 46303
    1.7 mi

    Grand Tots Day Care
    Po Box 333, Cedar Lake, IN 46303
    1.9 mi

    Hanover Central High School
    10120 West 133rd Avenue, Cedar Lake, IN 46303
    2.1 mi
Property published by
Jared Head
Contact Seller

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