Teal Lane, Savannah, TN 38372

Land For Sale
Published 4 one year ago

Teal Lane Property Description

Own a beautiful property which is located right on the Horse Creek (12 to 18 feet deep) which runs into great Tennessee river. Property is located in a brand new subdivision with a boat ramp. The size of the property is 0.36 acres of which 75 feet is waterfront. There are plans to pave the roads in subdivision. Utilities present: water, electricity and telephone. Do not miss this opportunity, build your dream home or make great investment.

Teal Lane Property Details

Property type: Land
Lot Size: 14810
Off MLS: yes
Tax Value: $35
APN: 046P B 053.00

Teal Lane Location

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Property published by
Irina Gevo
Contact Seller

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